Wednesday, October 25, 2006

20 month update--a couple days late

20 months. It's approaching that time when we'll just start to refer to Eddie in 'years' old rather than 'months. I still remember going to the pediatrican's office the first couple times (he had a lot of visits early on b/c of weight gain--or lack thereof and jaundice), and telling inquiriers that he was 'x' days old and then eventually 'x' weeks old and now we measure his age in months, which sometimes seems absurd. I mean he's closer to 2 than 1, but he's definitely not 2 yet.

At any rate, at 20 months:

He won't have another check up until his 2 year birthday. He's gotten quite skilled at catching a ball. He is probably 50-60%. When he is getting ready to throw the ball, Ed holds his arms straight out and then bends at the elbows and throws--often with some force.

He sings both the ABC song and 'twinkle twinkle little star'--which did you know are the same tune? It's mostly mumbles with an ocasional near direct hit of a word. The nanny thinks he has perfect pitch and that we should get him singing lessons.

He is starting to repeat things we say right after we say them, which as you might imagine can be quite hilarious during a mommy/daddy conversation. He has learned a lot more words--water, cup, plate, bowl, bib, highchair, hot tea, hot--his volcabulary is just exploding. Course not all of them are telegible to everyone, but if you pay attention to their context you can generally get the gist. He has also learned the signs (sign language) for please and thank you. He already knew milk and knows light, which he tends to do similarly to milk.

It's getting dark earlier, so we turn on the 3 lamps in the living room, where most of his toys are. If he thinks it's too dark, he will run around, from lamp to lamp, saying his version of the word and the sign for light. He also will run to each of the three blinds and try to get me to open them in the morning.

The first picture is of Eddie's favorite toy. It's also Den's favorite toy. I've only been half joking when I said I'd get Den one for Christmas. Den is obsessed about getting all the pieces back at the end of each day and then putting it up high. I secretly think its because he hopes Ed won't see and ask for it each morning. Yet it is pretty much the first toy he seeks out each day. Den says he loves it because it is a classic toy. Simple, wooden, and with
lots of options for learning.

I have to admit I like it a great deal too, which was why I was willing to part with more money than I felt Den would be happy with when I bought it in Santa Barbara. Why did I ever worry?

The second is of the mega tower Ed and Den built during the Wisc. Badgers game this past weekend. Ed really likes building towers out of his 2 sets of blocks. He is very affectionate, freely blowing kisses (like always) and hugs. But when he is playing and I ask for a hug, the answer is almost always a negative head shake.

He is starting to hold the phone to his head more--especially with daddy gone. He smiles when he listens to Den talk and says dada, blows kisses and says bye bye. I'm trying to get him to say 'I love you'. Won't that just melt Den's heart over the phone wire when he hears that the first time.

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