Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I didn't get any pictures of Ed today--he was being a real pistol. So, here's a flashback from when he was about 6 weeks old. The picture cracks Den and me up every time we look at it. Sometimes it amazes me how much of his personality was evident even back then, only we didn't realize it.

In other news, I harvested our first watermelon. It was sweet and red with seeds. Last year we had one rot on the vine because we kept waiting for it to get larger and it never did. This one grew nicely and there appear to be 2-3 more growing. The white part of the rind was really thick on the inside, so I wonder if it couldn't have used a little more time.

Watermelon is one of Ed and my favorite foods, so it's a momentous ocassion to actually sucessfully grow a watermelon. Too bad most tomatos have already petered out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bueaty. Watermelon's not bad either. Gave back $20 of last night's $50 in winnings. Can't wait to be home tomorrow. Dad