Wednesday, September 27, 2006

New nanny

Our new nanny started this week. Her name is Ellen. So far so good. Eddie really likes her, she seems good with him and we checked her out as thoroughly as we could without physically visiting the places she used to live and talking to her neighbors. Although I could argue that when it comes to your kids, that level of scruitny is prefectly reasonable. I'll try and remember to take a photo of her and post.

Ed's got another cold--only been 3 weeks since his last. Poor kid. However, he slept from 8pm til 7am--straight. I sure won the sleep lottery last night (Den was out of town). Haven't taken much in the way of photos. Maybe I'll give Ellen our point and shoot and tell her to snap a couple.

With the nanny and nursery school, I'm really starting to feel human again. Like I don't have to decide between doing the laundry or getting my real job work done. In talking with a friend, she summed it perfectly--I was having to make minute calculations in my head about nearly every activity-related decision I made. She had been there too. How nice to have moved on.

Not the greatest photo, but I thought I'd at least put it up there.

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