We've been gone for a week--since the 2nd. Had planned to post from Santa Barbara, CA, our ultimate destination, but the internet connection was so bad, it was essentially like using dial-up and I couldn't get any pages to load. Woe is me. Anyway, so Dennis had a work trip in Santa Barbara (SB) and Ed and I decided to tag along. G'ma and G'pa Wisc. also decided to tag along, which was great.
We stopped in LA to see relatives and friends and aside from Ed and I coming down with horrendous colds, we managed to have a great time. We hope we didn't leave a cold behind with those we visited.
I'll post more (and pictures) hopefully tmr, but for now, have to tell about the non-stop flight on Alaskan airlines (via Delta) from LAX to home. We left SB at 9am to drive to LAX, arriving shortly before 11, to catch a 1pm flight. Good thing too because we needed the extra time to hoof it back 4 terminals from Delta to Alaskan because the Delta agent incorrectly told us to go to the Delta counter.
Fast forward to the flight--about 22 rows of coach class, single aisle. Most people know Ed likes to throw stuff, but this flight was out of control. He hit a sleeping man in the head sitting diagonal in front of him with his nearly empty sippy cup. Then a couple hours later, he managed to toss a plastic cup that had previously contained water to the guy diagonal in back of him. Basically he nailed the people in front of and in back of me. All the while, he was kicking the chair in front of him. Drove us crazy, to say nothing of what it must have done to the person whose chair was being kicked and people who were getting hit. We held his feet and tried all kinds of distraction, which only gets one so far.
The part that really sealed the deal was the end of the flight, when everyone was deplaning and a woman, who clearly had been several rows back commented on what a good baby Ed had been. I thanked her and remarked that she must not have been sitting close enough to get clocked by anything he threw. Almost on cue, he threw his bottle into the aisle, nearly nailing someone.
I love traveling, but really, Ed has reached that age where I think we need a slight break in the travel schedule--no traveling for at least a couple months, till we forget how hard it was. Now at 10pm, we arrive home, weary road warriors. Den gets to do it all over again on Monday.
You're lucky Eddie was as good a traveller for as long as he was. Eli hit that limit a little earlier - the flight back from the Caribbean was a lot like yours, although with more screaming and not quite as much throwing (the poor woman on the aisle seat caught most of his throws). That did it for us for a while.
Yeah, we know we've been skating on thin ice. Guess that new car will come in handy for the road trips we'll be taking in the next several years. Course Ed gets bored quickly in the car and lets you know about it, so I'm not sure which is worse--6 hours of crying and whining, or 2 hours of praying no passengers sue us for assault to get to g'parents house (which to g'parent Wisc. would really be a 2-3 day driving trip for a total of 18 hours).
The joys of traveling by car with a child include stopping to let the child get out and exercise, seeing things from ground level, and getting to eat and drink their favor foods.
It also leads to the creation of all sorts of fun games to play like what color cars do you see, look at that big truck (what is it carrying?) and other activities.
We have traveled with three children from Iowa to Florida for holidays and survived the experience (taking a couple of days to do it). It adds a whole new meaning to the phrase - road trip.
Grandma Ohio
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