Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Snow Boots and Summer Shorts

I love the retail deals one can get at this time of year. Lands End is having a big clearance with lots of little kids stuff on sale. So I loaded up (in a reasonable way). In the past I have allowed myself to buy for the opposite season, but I've been burned enough by changing tastes (mine) and mis-sizing (fit for a shorter period or different period of time than expected). I just can't do it in great quanities for brand new retail.

That said, I ordered some snow boots for Ed. They were super cheap. Because lets face it for the amount of snow we get here, he doesn't need serious snow boots--or at least for us to spend serious cash on them.
He's been going through this thing lately of wanting to put shoes on--and these were no exception. It was pretty funny to watch him try and get used to them, per the pictures below.

He didn't want to take them off and so I brought him some sandles to change into.

I love the juxtoposition of him in snow boots and a no-sleeve summer jumper. Cracks me up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those boots were definitely made for walkin'. Eddie, I hope you'll model them for me tomorrow. Dad, from Salt Lake.