Thursday, August 17, 2006

Playin' Around

This picture was taken with the manual settings on the SLR--I'm really excited with how well it turned out. Ed is playing in his room. Typically we take out all the toys during the day and dad puts them away at the end of the day.

Check out these shoes. This cracked me up. First he "asked" me to put his sneaker on (we just bought them). I got the one on and started with the second sock when he decided that he wanted the sandle on instead. He pulled the sock off his foot (it was part way on), and tried to get the sandle on. Crazy thing is at the beginning of the summer, these sandles were too large for him--by a lot and now he has completely outgrown them. His toes hang over the edge. Crazy. He's gone from about a 4.5 to a 5.5, almost 6 in shoes in just a couple months!

Lately we've been going to the park in the mornings. He enjoys it, it's quiet and the equipment is still cool to the touch. Would like to experiment with other parks, but it's so easy to fall back on the old stand by. It's the first time he crawled through the tube (below). He'd gone up to it several times, but never quite got up the nerve to get more than just inside the tube.

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