Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Picture for Dad

Among the errands we did today, one was to the bookstore to get some books on toddler behavior. It would make sense to visit the library, but I suspect I'll want these around for ready reference.

We stopped at the park on the way home. I had brought my camera and accidently left it in the car. Twas a shame because there were some absolutely adorable pictures to be had--Ed slidding down a big slide by himself, playing with the fence around the playground, and on the merry-go-round--that circular spin-till-you-puke thing.

5pm-ish is my favorite time of day to go to the park: the sun is lower in the sky, which can help make it not feel so hot, it's the witching hour and it occupies Ed for at least an hour, and when we get home, we get to go straight into 'dinner/bedtime' mode. So it really speeds what can turn into a very looong afternoon. Problem is getting myself motivated to go out at that time of day.

I took Ed to a new park--one that was across the street from where I used to live pre-Den and right near Den's old townhouse (we lived 4 blocks away when we met). It's a great park, but not a favorite of our friends in that neighborhood--I can't figure out why--maybe I'll learn over time.

Basically I forgot to take pictures all day, and wanted to snap at least one--this is while I was trying to convince him to put his toys away. I'd call it a partial sucess--the toys are away and he contributed at least a couple to the effort. Probably more counter to the effort, but he'll learn over time--I hope.

When we walked to the grocery store this weekend with the jog stroller, I convinced Den to let me buy a rather small watermelon. Long story short, with the 2 gallons of milk and other goodies, it had to rest on top of the jog stroller, with Den steadying it between his index fingers. Well, Monday night, when Ed dragged me to the garden to harvest some veggies, I discovered a watermelon about the size of the one we'd just bought. I knew we had 4 growing, I just didn't expect it to have done so well. Whoops! Watermelon smoothie anyone?


Anonymous said...

I'll have a watermelon smoothie tomorrow night. Can't wait to get home. D

meg said...

Despite his impeccable genes, I have to say that Eddie's looking quite the delinquent in this picture...