Saturday, August 05, 2006

92 degrees feels good

Funny, after a couple 100+ degree days how 92 degrees can feel pleasant. We're keeping cool--partly by eating our weight in watermelon. I love watermelon.

My memories as a kid in Florida were buying these huge watermelons out of the back of a truck on the side of US 27, just outside of town, 4 for $1. We'd then get these huge pieces and stand outside, lurched forward (so the juice wouldn't drop on our feet), with the juice dripping down our arms and chin, spitting the seeds out. Now they have seedless. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I think along with the seeds, they bred a little of the taste out of them.

Ed sure likes watermelon. Right now, he likes eating on the rind. It took a while, but we have mostly convinced him that unless pickled, the red part tastes better than the green part. I cut the watermelon up and then leave a little on the rind for him to play with. I think it feels good on the 4, yes that's FOUR teeth he's cutting right now.

We discovered these teeth in Wisconsin. I have no idea which they are, but they are about halfway back, he's getting mirror teeth, same on either side and top and bottom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE this picture! --sabrina