Saturday, July 01, 2006

Alaska or bust

We got to the airport around 5:40AM today. We left the airport about 8:30AM--via cab.I will try not to be bitter, but basically the flight was delayed, we'd have missed our connections and the gate agent took 2 hours to screw us out of even getting underway to Atlanta because he took so long that we were unable to make our original, yet delayed flight. Den thinks he gave our seats away immediately when he began to look for other options. Needless to say, we're pretty ticked.
We're trying to make the most of it--I mean how many times do you get to make a dry run for a trip like this? We are not touching our bags--no second guessing on packing or anything. They are sitting in the living room, awaiting tomorrows taxi.

We're going to meet up with Eddie's buddy Eli for a dip in the pool later this afternoon and then hopefully all of us can have a nice good nap after getting up at 4:30 this morning. Tomorrow, we'll get to wake around 4ish to make a 6am flight. The real frustrating part of this is that if we had just taken the flight to Atlanta, knowing we'd miss our connection, we could have spent the day in Atlanta with relatives and then slept in till at least 6 or 7am tomorrow for the flight to Seattle. UGH.

Apparently this is a really crazy holiday weekend this year. Ironically Dennis thought the airport would be dead. Taxi drivers said they were out of cabs and had been busy since 4am.

Hopefully the next report will be either of the pool, or from Alaska...

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