Monday, June 05, 2006

Bar Harbor Followup

I never got the chance to post the pictures promised in the previous post. Also never got the postcards sent, but then I'm not Den when it comes to postcards and getting them sent. They gave attendees of his conference Thurs. afternoon off from 2:30 on. We took advantage of the opportunity to check out the other side of Mt. Dessert Island (where Bar Harbor and Acadia are located). The other side is far less visited, but every bit as scenic (and also contained portions of the Nat'l Park).

We visited Bass Harbor lighthouse, which is tended by a Coast Guard Commander (who apparently has 2 small kids judging by the carseat parked in their space). Here are a couple photos from that as well as the 'walking' picture promised. He's really taking off in the walking department. It's fun to watch, but as our friends warned us--it's a lot easier for him to walk around silently than it was for him to crawl silently.

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