Friday, June 30, 2006

Travel With Baby

As I packed for Maine last month--for what was roughly Eddie's 11th trip, I began thinking of all that has changed--no traveling with the breast pump and those 'singles' of formula for the 'just in case' scenarios. Still lots of stuff to tote, but much more of it is optional and for our conveinance rather than necessity. Now that we've finished packing for the oddessy that will be Alaska (we leave Sat.), I marvel at how much more relaxed we've become and confident in our abilities to entertain Eddie--which is why you see two oversized toys poking out of my backpack--clipped by something that the designers at Kelty never likely envisioned their backpack would be used for--it's not one of those diaper backpacks, but a regular backpack that we've found works great on our trips, pulling double duty.

Tomorrow (Sat.), we will be traveling for 16 hours before finally arriving in Sitka, Alaska. First we were going to pack last weekend, then it was by this Wednesday. Then Thursday. Then Fri. by around 2:30, then 5:30 and we finally finished at 9pm. It took only an hour to put it all in the bags, but putting that first item in took some warming up to. Now the real photo will be all the bags AFTER we return. I'm a little nervous about my ability to repack exactly as we packed for fear something won't fit exactly. Now I do have 1/4 of Ed's suitcase filled with 62 diapers that we really hope to not have to bring back, but I am a bit nervous.

Things I've learned along the way that work for us:

1. Do what the experts on travel in general suggest: set everything out and take 1/2 of what you think you'll need. Really. Or at least do this for yourself so you'll have more room for whatever item you worry you or baby will be miserable without.

2. Once the bags are packed/everything is laid out, try not to add extra toys at the last minute (I think I violate this every trip).

3. I read this somewhere and couldn't agree more: If you are contemplating traveling with your child as a lap baby, practice by sitting in a narrow chair for the period of time you'd be on the plane and don't let the baby off your lap. If you can do this with no problem, you should be okay with a lap baby.

4. With number 3 in mind, if you do take a lap baby, bring your carseat through security (after verifying there are indeed some empty seats on your flight). On all the legs of all the flights, only maybe 3 or 4 times (assuming an average of 3 legs/trip) have we ever NOT been able to take the carseat on.

5. Do NOT travel at naptime (for an older baby--younger babies have naptime all the time) unless you have purchased a seat for the baby. Trust me on this.

6. Bring 2-3 small bath toys so baby feels at home in the new tub.

7. No matter how many toys you bring, they will never be enough to occupy your child. I'm not sure that if you could bring all of the Toy'r'us store with you that it would be sufficient.

8. Bring a list of all the toys you've brought so that you can remember to look in all the nooks and crannies of your lodging for said toys.

9. If you have a lap baby, put your carseat in a bag--either the free ones from the airlines (which aren't always available), or purchase a reusable bag. Protects the seat in the event it sits in the rain awaiting loading into the plane.

10. Bring at least a clean shirt for baby in your carry on bag, and when baby is younger, a clean shirt for you too.

11. Bring all the diapers you'll need with you (unless you'll be gone longer than a week/suitcase full). We've tried buying diapers on-site and the stress of finding the same diapers we are accustomed to combined with paying crazy, non-sale prices drove me to packing in what we needed. An added bonus is that on the return trip home, you have more room for whatever goodies you purchased.

Lots more to add--maybe I should write a book? Nah, that market is so saturated and the travel market changes so much.

What I still have to learn is how to reconcile a travel type (me) that is cram in as much as possible with a husband who is 'no fuss, no muss' and a child's travel style needs? Hopefully both of us (all three of us) adapt to a happy medium.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Eddie's eye is looking much better--less swollen. He had a good time with this washcloth.

G'ma Wisc. made him these overalls a while back but was waiting until he grew into them. Here she is trying them on him--now she just has to cut them to length. I dropped enough hints about wanting her to make him stuff and now he has this cute pattern. Such a trend-setter, he'll be.

I've never considered myself a 'handy' kind of person. Dennis on the other hand, is quite handy. Just about every time he does a project around the house, from putting up trim around the windows, to recaulking a bath, I want to know how it's done. At least until I get bored, then I let him finish.

Fortunately I was paying reasonable attention during our caulking lesson a couple years back. Per my previous post, we've had some water issues in our garage and basement from the recent rains. Course Den had to leave town (shocker, I know). Last night, the water kept coming in. Thank goodness G'ma and G'pa Wisc. were here--they helped with everything from watching Eddie to shoveling water out of our garage and everything in between.

Today I was determined to stop the flow of water. I watched carefully last night where it appeared to be getting into the garage and subsequently into the house. I decided that I would load those areas up with caulk. I only had to call my dad 2 times and Den once--to find out which of the 6 varites of caulk I was to use and how to get the old caulk out of the caulk gun---did you even know such a thing existed? Dad helped with the logistics such as, "if this stuff sticks so well to everything, I suspect I don't want to wash it off my hands into the sink?" and " I can't get it to come out of the tube--I did everything Den said to, and it's stuck in there".

I did what our window installers called "fire caulking". I used an ENTIRE tube in front of the door to our garage (and a little bit of the tube on the garage itself). So far no water to speak of, but then we've just had a nice steady rain, not the downpours that make it look like you are peering our from behind Niagra Falls. It wasn't a pretty job. I was afraid to thin/smooth out the line for fear it would jeapordize the sheer volume I was going for. Den is going to be a little chagrined to see the lack of attention to detail on the caulk job, but I'm sure he can fix it.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Nikon D70s

Ed does not have droopy eye here. He has swollen eye from a bug bite. Poor kid--but he doesn't seem bothered by it.
We got it! We got our new SLR and I couldn't be more thrilled with the photos. And I haven't even read the owner's manual yet. I have a week to learn the basic functions of this camera before we leave for AK and I'm already well on my way--now to actually start taking consistently good photos from behind the camera...

I'm sure I'll have some goofy looking photos for the blog, but man this thing is great--so much faster than the old camera and options galore instead of just point, shoot, and hope for the best.

We got a lot of rain the last 24-48 hours. Our basement flooded thanks to the sloped driveway --but we caught it just in time. I looked out the front window and there was a river of water covering half the street in front of our house. It was basically reaching the centerline of the road. Fortunately Den commented that we should check the basement since it got wet last week from heavy rains seeping in from the garage. When I opened the door from the house to the garage, there was 2-3 inches of water in the garage, going about 1/2 way back. There was another 1-2 inches in the laundry area just inside the door. After Den shoveled out the garage and I wet-vaced up the inside, we put bags of mulch in front of the garage to direct the water elsewhere. We've never had it flood from heavy rains before--just human washing machine issues.

And we're forcasted to get even more rain the next several days. Whew! We fared better than most, being on top of a hill. The beltway around the City flooded near our house and was closed this morning due to a mudslide. Also near our house, a little stream flood and completely ripped up a portion of road. Sure would have been interesting to see.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Goodnight Daddy

3 posts in one day--I must be avoiding some task.

Okay, I know this isn't the most flattering of photos, but it still cracks me up. He is starting to figure out the camera and today took his first picture. He likes to see it appear on the screen.

So "Aunt" Sharon B. stopped by this evening for a couple hours to hang out. Man, how did she know I needed a break? She hung with Eddie, and even fed him dinner--and he ate A LOT.

Tonight, we finished the bath early and I decided to get Eddie to pick up his own toys. I do this every now and then, but not consistently as I should. I handed him the legos to put away and then had him find the scattered legos and he discerned them from the other toys. I then had him put his toys in each of the drawers in the kitchen. I made sure to praise him a lot too.

I forgot 2 things I meant to mention on the 16 month update--he likes throwing things down the stairs -- I think to see what will happen--mostly goes for balls, but really anything that happens to be near the stairs and that strikes him. So I should be brushing his 3 teeth before bed, after milk. Not so good about that routine, but each morning, after I brush my teeth, I brush his--no toothpaste, but he opens his mouth for the toothbrush and patiently keeps it open as I brush them. Now to work that in the night-time routine.

Guess it's time to go work on whatever it is I'm avoiding--there are so many things, it's hard to pick just one.

16 month update

I know Den is going to love this photo. It cracks me up just to look at it. He really seems to like the slide. The whole piece of plastic is below.

Eddi has become a little person.

He LOVES balls. Everything is a ball. He will page through his books, looking for the pictures with balls -- or anything slightly resembling a ball and proudly yell, "ball!". The problem is also that he likes to throw his balls. This is not an issue with the soft ones, but with the small, hard balls, it's quite painful. I'm trying to teach him not to do that--but might end up having to put them all away.

I think (and g'ma Ohio really thinks) he's starting to learn his colors. G'ma Ohio especially thinks Eddie knows the color Orange. He will eventually. I call out the colors when he plays with his quatro legos--giant sized legos. However, I'm getting bored with his toys. I'd like some new ones. I'm trying to resist tho' as soon he'll be good for the 18 month old toys. There's some cool stuff out there.

Still a little unsteady on his feet, but doing pretty well with walking. He can get himself to a standing position by himself, without using anything to pull up. Still smiling like crazy, but a little more leary of most strangers--for a couple minutes at least. Current fav foods include watermelon, applesauce, banana (I think because he can bite it off himself), and tomatos. Likes canned peas and green beans--not frozen. Wonder how he'll like the garden green beans. There are others, but those are the ones on the top of my head.

Climbs and descends the stairs well (with help). He seems to have good comprehension. When you tell him it's time to take a bath, he goes upstairs and into the bathroom. He follows all kinds of commands--shut the door, shut the drawer, 'alto mano'--raise your hands--when he's choking, put your shirt in the hamper, etc. I've also decided he's not a morning person. He might get up early, but that doesn't mean he's the best to be around. I thought we were going to kill each other this morning, we were both so grouchy.

Did Our Toddler Morph into a Newborn?

This is Ed this morning, playing in the kitchen.

The picture of Eddie in white with the green hat was taken the day we got home from the hospital. He's so adorable when he sleeps--too bad he doesn't do more of it.

We have had limited sucess with Eddie sleeping through the night. At least we can finally usually get until 4 and when we are lucky, til 5:30. Last night brought me back to the nights of no sleep. He woke at midnight, then at 3 and again from 3-8 several times. I tried to let him cry, but man, a couple times it sounded like he was is agony--but then at 3am, who is awake enought to discern? You could hear him throwing things out of the crib--his stuffed elephant, blanket and then finally I heard these loud crashes. Turns out they were plastic pieces we put on the side of the crib so he couldn't gnaw on the rail ofthe crib. He threw one that I still can't find.

All this when Den has to wake up at 4:30 for a 6am flight. Come to find out his plane has a mechanical issue and he's been put onto a completely different routing, not leaving until 8am! Ugh.

Eddie is really liking to empty the dishwasher (he will come running from another room of the house when he hears it open). This is a recent picture of him "helping". He does the silverware. Have to be quick when he grabs a knife or a fork :)

So we are going to buy a digital SLR. When g'pa Ohio got 6 shots of the 51 foot tower of blocks falling and I got a shot of the pile at the end, that sealed the deal for us. We just have to decide which camera to buy. I feel like a bit of a poser buying such a decked out camera, but I like to take photos and enjoyed my all manual camera back in high school--but by the time I get up to close of a shutter speed on the point and shoots, you can just about buy the SLR. Course this will also burn through memory much faster.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Eddie the Knife

Uncle Kevin coughed up the photo I was talking about of Eddie with a knife--from a post last week. Taken with Kevin's phone/blackberry thingy. Trio or whatever they are called. Much as it would be nice to get one (the Trio type things), it would be bad news for me to have one--it would become permanetely attached to the palm of my hand.

We've had a rash of babysitter cancellations. Last week due to a death in the sitter's family--we lucked out at the last minute after making about 10 calls in one day. We then tonight were bailed out by Eddie's buddy Eli's mom. What a saint to agree to watch 2 kids right at the time when they are grouchiest. Paybacks are definitely in order. Come to think of it, we likely owe this to a couple people who have Ed-sat--you know who you are.

We are definitely on the countdown to Alaska. I've been thinking about posting about this trip, but don't think I ever did. We're off to Alaska so soon that on, we can view the 15 day forecast for where we'll be! I've got a lot to do before then and Den has 2 work trips to squeeze in. We'll be gone 18 days. Long story short, it was to a big family one-way cruise, but that fell through, but not before we bought our return trip airline tickets. So, we, along with g'ma and g'pa Ohio (for about 8 days of the trip) will be doing an independent tour of Alaska's Inside Passage and then the mainland.

I'm very excited as a traveler, but a little daunted by the national debt like numbers we'll have run up by the end of the trip. It started out as a way to use up Frequent Flyer miles that were expiring and wound up much much more. I'm hoping to be able to post from the road--but then I'm also someone who hopes to mail postcards from the road. Anyone get their Bar Harbor card yet? I didn't think so.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Don't Blink

Or you might miss it. Mom, dad, and Uncle Kevin have left. The visit went so quickly--as always. I wonder how I managed to get so little work done when the whole point of them being here was so I could work. It was my own fault. Instead of working, I did all kinds of stuff I've been meaning to do--so I guess the visit wasn't a total loss.

We got our first piece of plastic play equipment for the yard. Got it second-hand and besides taking 5 adults to figure out how to put it together, Eddie seems to like it quite well. Also went to the National Building Museum on Saturday. This is our absolutely favorite museum. Went for a Frank Lloyd Wright exhibit and a green house exhibit and by luck they were stacking these sticks, called Keva blocks to a height of 51 feet. Was interesting to watch, but more interesting to watch them fall.

Eddie was mesmerized by the large fountain in the middle of the floor. We don't think he'd ever seen a fountain and just couldn't tear himself away.

In other news, we got our first tomato yesterday and first green beans today. We still have lettuce--for probably another couple weeks. It kills me that we get such a short period of time where the lettuce AND the tomato can be harvested from the garden. We have little green peppers starting to form. This is why I love growing a garden--it's fun to watch the stuff form over time and the satisfaction of knowing that with very little work, we get more food than we can eat.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Troops Have Arrived

G'ma and G'pa Ohio are here! For once they managed to arrive before 5pm rush hour. I'm not sure they recognized the place, traffic was moving so well. They are here through Sunday not only to help me out, but also because Uncle Kevin is in town for work and staying for the weekend--so they thought they'd stay over for the weekend too.

Eddie and I had lunch with Uncle Kevin today. And what does Uncle Kevin do? He gives him a knife to play with! To be fair this was after he asked me. Then Eddie jabbed himself in the eye with said plastic knife. He was fine, but it's something we can raz Uncle Kevin about in the years to come. A picture taken by him should be forthcoming...hint hint.

I also learned that Uncle Kevin is as neurotic as Den about cleaning/picking up the floor of the resturant in which we eat. There was a discussion on a parent listserve about this--do you clean the floor and table your kid trashed or just tip extra, or both? I tend to tidy up a bit (not the floor) and then leave a bigger tip. I figure with a bigger tip, they won't care, as someone else is bound to come in during their shift and trash the area again.

Will be nice to have g'ma and g'pa around to hang with Eddie and he sure has a good time.

Proof that it's the camera

Okay, one of these pictures is proof that it's the camera's red-eye reduction (or something) that causes me to have droopy eye. Eddie, who almost never suffers from this, has it in one of these pictures.

Late night at Council tonight--and I left before the meeting ended. Spending a small fortune in babysitters, but oh well. Eddie is blowing dad a kiss in the droopy eye photo.

Monday, June 12, 2006

COS--Colorado Springs

Den left this morning for Colorado Springs. I had hoped to make the trip with him, but it just didn't work out. Ed and I had a pretty good day. Went to the library for the first time (they have a children's area, but something about a potentially noisy baby and a library does't seem right, so we've never been).

We then went to the park, where Eddie played for 1.5 hours. We brought back half the sandbox with us and deposited it in the kitchen. Even if I had taken his pants off before we got in the car, I'm not sure that I would have avoided this. Eddie really plays well by himself. He played in the sandbox for about an hour, while other kids came and went, he stayed.

Okay, I uploaded these photos in reverse order, which is supposed to allow them to post in the correct order. Oh well, not like it matters. This bottom one is him after playing in some water on the kitchen floor. Poor kid wiped out shortly after this directly on his bumm. He seemed kind of stunned.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

He's a genius

I try to be pretty low key and not brag too much about Eddie's accomplishments, because I know that 1. they are essentially age-appropriate; 2. He'll also do stuff that I'm not so proud of; 3. It's not polite.

That said, my son is a genius. I had on a shirt with a lot of writing and he was pointing to the letters. As he pointed, I said aloud what each of the letters was, "O", "G", "O", "I", "G". Then I asked where the 'O' was and he pointed to it! I asked where the 'G' was and he pointed to it. I was so excited--maybe Eddie will learn to read early?. I'm sure it's something technical like object recognition.

Later in the day he was wearing a t-shirt I'd bought him in Bar Harbor. It had a duck (and said duck underneath), had another duck and then a moose. So it said, duck, duck, moose. Cracked me up. Anyway, I pointed to the duck and said duck, and the same with the moose. I then asked him where the moose was and he pointed to the moose.

Now the kicker was that when he was no longer wearing the shirt and I asked him where the moose was, he still pointed to where it would have been on his shirt. I probably shouldn't mess with him like that, but it was pretty funny.

Friday, June 09, 2006

She's gone

Nina the nanny's last day was yesterday (Thurs). She came by to say goodbye and so I could take some pictures. She has the same problem with goodbyes that I do--just tend to get worked up over them. I cried.

She had become an extension of our family in such a short period and we may never see her again. It's not like we have a lot of cause to visit Houston, where she's moving. I knew she was a good nanny, but I really don't think I knew exactly how good I had it.

It's weird to think about, but Eddie doesn't have a clue that she's gone and that he'll have someone else care for him from now on.

I'm a little bit stressed over finding a new person--the change, having to learn someone new, the worry-- will the person take off with Eddie or do something to harm him? I know he'll be fine, but a mother worries. It took a period of adjustment before we felt comfortable with Nina, and I'm sure the same will hold true with whomever we get.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

15 month check up

I forgot to post on Monday about Ed's 15 month check up. Nothing exciting to report. The doctor commented on how laid back Eddie was and asked a whole ton of developmental questions about what he was or was not doing. Saying any words? Walking? Can he follow simple instructions? I can't remember all the questions, but was surprised at a couple. Doc seemed to think he was doing fine.

So the stats: He is 31 1/4 tall, which is 50th%. I knew he was growing taller by virtue of the additional things he can reach. Check out this attached picture of him with the Monkey. Earlier this year, he used that thing to pull himself up and was equal in height to the Monkey. Now he towers over it like some kind of giant.

Weight: 22.13, this is 25th%. This is off significantly to our home weight of 24.5, but we weigh him fully clothed and diapered and they make us take everything off. He's only peed on the nurse once or twice.

Head circum of 19 inches, which is 75th%. The doctor said these were all fine stats, that they were continuing to follow the general trends--although I will say his head circumfrence is growing in percentage--he's starting to get a big head! Seriously, Den commented the other day on the shape of his head, that he will likely have a large head because it juts out so far to the back. Time will tell.

That's all. Nina's (the nanny) last day is today. Oh I've been dreading this. Next week while Den is gone all week is going to be a killer.

Ed had his first popsicle yesterday--he really seemed to like it. It was a cherry fruit based one, so it's not all high fructose sugar--a lot, but not all. He slept really well last night--till 5:30 this morning--yipee!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Pictures for Dad

Blowing dad a kiss while on the phone with him. Quick post to get the pictures up.

More later.

Radio Flyer

A month or so ago, Costco had this Radio Flyer wagon for a great price. It was about the 5th call I made to Den from Costco about the great deals I was finding. I think he's finally learned not to send me to Costco by myself. It's a great wagon and judging from the pictures, Eddie seems to agree. Den put it together this weekend. Only problem is that without seatbelts or any other device to strap him in, it's a bit of a wild ride for Eddie when he doesn't sit on his bottom.

Don't know if you can make out the look on his face, but he is sure grinning a goofy, happy grin over those tires.

Den left for Orlando yesterday. Needless to say, we wish we could go with him. Guess it wouldn't be good for Eddie to travel that much. This is the last week of our beloved nanny. I might have lined something up for this fall, which only means August is open--so if anyone wants to come for a couple days of a babysitting gig in Aug. it's a pretty slow time for me work wise. Also means we'll try and tag along on Den's trips too.

Ed's working on a summer cold--or at least a summer runny nose. He's learning to bite food off--like taking bites of a banana or cheese. He tends to bit off more than he can chew, but he sure enjoys himself. Next post, the doctor's visit results.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Bangor, ME

We had an early morning flight and so spent the night in Bangor, ME. Went to the Sea Dog brewery--one of Den's current favorite beers that we get at Trader Joe's. I like the Porter and Den likes the Pale Ale. So when we found that this was one of their brewhouses, we of course had to go. I have to say it was about the best meal we had the entire trip. And the beer was good too. We had comfort food--a cobb salad and meatloaf. It was one of those meals where you try and stop yourself from eating because you are full, but it's so good, you just keep shoveling it in.

En route we decided Ed needed a romp in the park. This was the local place to go. He really seemed to have finally figured out how to go down the slide. Previous attempts have resulted in him tripping up on his feet/shoes and tumbling forward. And he figured out how to push himself forward from the starting line and go of his own volition down the slide. This was a great park, near Broadway and Pine (just off Stillwater)-- in case anyone finds themselves in Bangor, ME in need of a park. It is a huge space and the playground had at least 5 different slides and all kinds of fun toys. [Today at the park we went down one of those spiral slides together--so tight a spiral I was dizzy at the end and it was a short slide. He was grining about like in these pictures].

Course his favorite thing to do was play with the mulch. When we visited the lighthouse on Thurs. he occupied himself by playing with the stones and gravel dust making up the walkway to the lighthouse. He would stack them, move them around between steps and ledges. He started screaming and crying when we picked him up to leave and it was only after we gave him a couple stones to take with him that he even calmed down. Wonder if the rental car folks noticed the rocks in the car door. LIkely he didn't have the same reaction to the mulch. I do think he has a preference of rocks over mulch, but will take mulch in a pinch.

Bar Harbor Followup

I never got the chance to post the pictures promised in the previous post. Also never got the postcards sent, but then I'm not Den when it comes to postcards and getting them sent. They gave attendees of his conference Thurs. afternoon off from 2:30 on. We took advantage of the opportunity to check out the other side of Mt. Dessert Island (where Bar Harbor and Acadia are located). The other side is far less visited, but every bit as scenic (and also contained portions of the Nat'l Park).

We visited Bass Harbor lighthouse, which is tended by a Coast Guard Commander (who apparently has 2 small kids judging by the carseat parked in their space). Here are a couple photos from that as well as the 'walking' picture promised. He's really taking off in the walking department. It's fun to watch, but as our friends warned us--it's a lot easier for him to walk around silently than it was for him to crawl silently.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


When Den got back to the hotel last night he worked until midnight. I went to bed at 11. I mention this because at exactly 12:37 last night, I awoke to the fire alarm going off in the hotel. My initial reaction, 'you gotta be kidding me', was quickly followed by the thought that we needed to leave the hotel room in case it was a real fire.

I pulled on some jeans and tried to rouse Dennis. I guess whatever phase of sleep you enter when you first fall asleep must be pretty deep because I had to basically get in his face and yell at him to get up and then I still had to tell him the fire alarm was going off. I was throwing Eddie's diaper change kit into the backpack--who knows how long before the fire department would let us back in and realizing that if it really was a serious fire, wouldn't someone be yelling or banging on our doors (it's not that large of a hotel) to get out? And wouldn't the sprinklers be going off? Yet I continued with my mental list. Grab the computers and camera and the car keys. Don't get Eddie until we're ready to go. Where are the freakin car keys? People should go to sleep at night, ready to spring from bed in an emergency and run out the door. Why couldn't I find the car keys?

While one part of my brain was trying to be rational about the whole thing (and certainly all of Dennis' brain, which was pretty much blase' to the whole thing), the other part was in overdrive, trying to get us out the door. Den had me call the front desk, which is apparently closed from midnight to 7am and of no help. I didn't want to be the dolt who didn't heed the alarm and have to be hanging out the window awaiting a rescue. I heard a door opened and popped my head out. My neighbors didn't know anymore than we did. Finally, after what seemed like forwever and was maybe 5 minutes of the alarm going off, it shut off.

So we would maybe have died had it been a real fire because we took so freakin' long? I'm just thankful we didn't unnecessarily rouse Eddie. I still wandered into the hall, wanting answers. Just then, the night manager, dressed in one of those no sleeve-wife-beater t-shirts and some kind of pants, walked up to the smoke detector outside our room and said that everything was fine, that it was a bad sensor on the smoke detector. It is an image I prefer not to have (apparently the night manager sleeps/lives at the hotel). Wonder if anyone actually evacuated their rooms.

After all that adreline, it took me a long time to get back to sleep. Seemed like just as I did, Eddie woke up and again, Den was oblivious--grrr. What a rough night. Oh and this morning, found the car keys in the fold of the canopy on the stroller. Could have looked a long time for those.

Will attach a photo when I have Den's computer (can't do from mine). Not of the fire drill, but of Ed walking.