Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Mommy's first night

I finally got my night alone. I had a conference to attend down state on bicycle and pedestrian issues and to accept an award on behalf of my boss. I got a night away on Sunday night, with Den staying home from work to hang out with Eddie on Monday.

I was mentally prepared for this trip. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep in, because I was so accustomed to an early rise. I knew there was a chance it would be a night where I just couldn't sleep. And I knew that I wouldn't have time to do any of the things I thought might be nice--read a book or catch up with work. I had no dilusions that I was going to return to a husband wondering how I coped all those times he went away. I actually figured the house would be spotless, and if I was lucky, the windows might be washed.

It was far more difficult to leave than I expected. I really thought I'd run out the door before Den and Ed could wave goodbye, but I lingered and without thinking, uttered the words: "you're not working on Monday why don't you and Eddie come down with me?" Huh? Did I just say that? When I was packing I had a hard time telling my brain that I didn't need a list of what to pack for Eddie.

Had a great time, drinking a beer---or 2--with fellow conference attendees and then it was off to my hotel room. I was the only one in there. I had 2 beds from which to chose, each with three or four pillows. I had the entire counter in the bathroom for my travel kit. I could set the thermostat to whatever I wanted--which as it turns out, was set too high, causing me to wake at 2am, choaking on the dry air, but happily I fell back asleep immediately.

It was heaven. Kind of like a vacation, I would have happily taken a couple more nights. These are the pictures Den sent me while I was away. As expected, Ed and Den did just fine. One thing I think Den does understand better is how I can end a day somehow not eating as much as I should have, and how elusive a shower can be.

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