Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Z is for zoo

Eddie and Lizzie at the zoo. He grabbed her hand. Then he grabbed her sweater. Shortly after this was taken, he pulled her hair and made her cry. Eddie, that's not the way to a girl's heart.

The neighborhood playgroup wanted to go to the zoo. I was a little bit skeptical of a bunch of 13-19 month olds at the zoo. Really thought it would be lost on them. Their parents kept talking about playing on this pizza. I couldn't quite figure out what they were talking about until we walked up to this giant foam pizza under a tent. Kids were climbing all over the topping, crawling through tunnels of olives, jumping from giant tomatos, and throwing giant pepperonis the size of the lens on a traffic signal and mushrooms of porportionally large size. This was the highlight of the visit--and Eddie slept through half of it.

They have these huge wires connecting the ape areas and allowing them to 'roam' as they chose (see first picture). They cross the midway and theoretically the apes could jump down right onto the midway, but of course not really, because they are up too high. So while we were there, we got to see the apes go across on these giant wires, connected by towers, which was actually pretty cool to see. The picture above shows what Eddie was focusing on while all this was captivating the rest of the zoo patrons.

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