Friday, April 07, 2006

Why I Love Daylight Savings TIme

10. Stays light longer at night
9. Means warmer weather
8. All the flowers and trees in bloom--even if it launches Den and me into allergy hell.
7. I love watching Den go all over the house, trying to set every clock to the exact same time when we "spring forward" (or within seconds). Especially fun with the clock that won't keep time after about 5 minutes that he keeps saying he's going to fix.
6. Eddie sleeps in.
5. More time outside.
4. Means I can put away the electic blanket, space heater, and hopefully the humidifer that all represent winter.
3. I can't think of this many reasons, I keep getting stuck on Eddie sleeping in until 7 (that's after getting up in the middle of the night).
2. Eddie seems to be able to sleep later.
1. It feels like there are more hours in the day, even if there aren't.

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