Monday, March 06, 2006

Trip #5--Jacksonville, FL

Something was happening with Blogger this morning. Not only could the blog not be viewed, but I couldn't get in to do anything. Bizarre. It appears to be functioning fine now.

Eddie went to his second birthday party--for a 2-year old buddy. In all fairness, he had just woken from a nap, but he just didn't react how we thought he would to this great "soft-play" room. He wasn't quite sure he was enjoying himself and of course his buddy Eli was quite the opposite, reveling in all there was to do.

Den is on his fifth (not third as an earlier draft of this post said) trip of the year (so early and I've already lost track, per his comment)--no, not SLC, but Jacksonville, FL. Since I didnt' get my escape to FL this winter, I am feeling a wee bit jealous. Fortunately it's not brutally cold here, but it's also not as warm as it is in Jacksonville. Course I don't know that for sure because I don't want to look at the temperatures and find out exactly what the difference is between the two cities.

In other news, Eddie received his first credit card offer in the mail last week. Cracked me up. It was thanks to his frequent flyer account he opened for his flight to Ohio last month. Won't be so funny when the offers continue to pour in. Would hate for Eddie to have bad credit before he turns 18 through no action on his part.

Oh and don't you love what Eddie built in this last picture? Okay, well mom built it, but Eddie handed me some of the legos. He got all excited when I dumped the entire container onto the floor, even though he has yet to master how to make the legos connect to each other.


Anonymous said...

I think your trip count is off for Dad. I've been to SLC 3 times alone. Add in HSV and JAX (and others I omitted. . .) I wish I was as home.

Anonymous said...

If you have Eddie's social security # you can call 1-888-5-opt-out and have credit card offers stoped for 1 or 5 years. I like the building even if mom helped. It is how he will learn to build his own, by being engaged with an adult or older playmate. I always like to see pictures of what he is doing.