Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Back in the Saddle

Okay, so I'll admit that the first time I typed the title, I spelled it 'sattle'. But that didn't seem right. Hey, at least I caught it without using spellcheck. No telling what else is mispelled.

Den is on the road again. This time he's in Ft. Wayne, IN. We enjoyed two wonderful weeks of him being home and joked to ourselves en route to the airport, that we truly couldn't keep track of where he was going in these next couple weeks.

Dennis and I have tried just about every method to get Eddie to take his medicine, and I believe I've written about them in a previous post (pinning him down, tipping his head upside down to let gravity help, etc.). The method that is working right now is to put it on a spoon and put the spoon in his mouth. Whoda' thunk? Definitely my preferred method.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the pics. Eddie's Dad--from Trip Number 6.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the pics. Eddie's Dad--from Trip Number 6.

Anonymous said...

Actually, misspelled is misspelled. Sorry, just couldn't resist. :)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that he is taking his medicine like a big boy. Looks like he is really enjoying the sun shine on the porch!
Grandma Ohio