Thursday, February 09, 2006

Games We Play

When G'ma and G'pa Ohio bought Eddie the shape sorter pictured here, I was a bit skeptical of the green trap door/parent entrance to get the shapes back out. However, Eddie, in his infinite wisdom, has shown us that it's a pretty cool toy. He is really into putting toys into containers and taking things out of containers. So with this shape sorter, if he gets frustrated that he can't get the shape in, he just puts it through the green slot. He puts other small toys in through there too.

On the one hand, I really want him to learn to use the shape sorter end (he's around 50/50 sucess, depending on what other toys he's been playing with recently), but on the other, I applaud his ability to find more than one way to sucessfully approach the toy. But he is probably too young for that lesson.

Eddie has gotten quite good at discerning the difference between things. He likes to do the triangles together, the blocks together, and circles together. He seems to know when things 'go' together--the 2 wooden spoons (which he likes to bang together like a drummer), the cups in his bath, etc.

The other 'game' we are playing involes these 18 roll-a-rounds I bought. They are these really cool balls, and each one does a different thing. They are themed--noise makers, balls to look at, balls to touch and feel, etc. G'ma and G'pa Ohio introduced them to us. Today's game involved rolling the ball under the entertainment center so that mom or dad would go get it. He would roll the ball under, then bend himself down as pictured to look under the cabinet, wait for us to get it, then roll the ball again. You can just barely see the white of the ball on the right side of the photo. He also tried to make the ball go under the couch, but it wouldn't fit.

Towards the end, we were more interested in this game than Eddie was.

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