Friday, February 03, 2006

Buckle-Up, Buckle-Up, Buc, Buc, Buckle-Up

Dad, as you may recall is hitting the slopes outside of Salt Lake City on his annual boys ski weekend, so Eddie and I flew to visit g'ma and g'pa Ohio. A trip to FLA would have been preferred, but given G'ma's recent surgery, we thought this would be a better destination.

Grandma and G'pa Ohio got Eddie an airplane (see picture) for Christmas. We didn't have room in the car on the way home (we didn't get *that* much, but did buy ourselves a giant toaster oven that took up half the back seat). So the airplane was still here for Eddie to play with. This is not just an airplane, it plays songs, has a propeller that spins (with lights), wings that fold down, etc. G'pa Ohio is so excited to watch Eddie play with this toy. He worked hard to make sure Eddie knew how to press the buttons.

Well it worked.

For the longest time, Eddie would press the button that said, "Buckle-Up, something intelligable, here we go." When you keep pressing the button at the right point, you get, Buc, Buc, and eventually, Buckle-Up. Wonder how long the batteries last.

Today he flew on his first flight as a registered passenger. I could probably make this a whole post, but we learned Edward P. Jones, the TSA wants YOU. That's right, our 11 month old is on the government's 'watch' list. Love it. Apparently there is some paperwork you can fill out to request removal, but in the future we are to travel with his birth certificate. More later on the flight...

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