Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Baby Circuit

When Eddie was little, we would rotate him from one "holder" to the next, depending on where in the house we were. We had the doorway jumper in the kitchen, the Ladybug exersaucer in the basement, the giant exersaucer in our office, the bouncy chair on each of the main floors, the activity mat, etc. (Needless to say, they were all loans and gifts, for which we were (and are) immensely grateful).

Eddie must have been paying attention, because at g'ma and g'pa Ohio's, he did a circuit of playing with the vertical blinds, to the high chair, to the new airplane, to the toys in the living room. And he just made a loop like this, all day long, with occasional deviations for naps, bottles, and to follow a particular person. Consequently, all my pictures of him focus on these areas.

Now that we are back home, I see the same pattern. Depending on where we are in the house, he gravitates to the same things--toys or not. Suppose this makes babyproofing a lil' easier at this point. I'm also sure this is typical baby and human behavior, but the observation of it remains fascinating.

Had a good trip back--lots of helpful people. Eddie and I tried to give up our seats in exchange for $200 vouchers, but they didn't need our seats. It would have only been a 1.5 hour wait and I was prepared, with lots of airport in which to roam. Oh well, another time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pic of healthy Grandma Ohio and Eddie-with match sweaters yet!!!

yet!!! G'mom Wisconsin