Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Wonder Boy

Just to clarify my last post. I wasn't being critical of my own photos, I'm bound to get a couple good ones with the sheer number I take. However, I would like to be able to take photos that 'talk' and say something besides, 'what a cute baby'.

Anyway, went to get our flu shots, Eddie and I did. I probably squirmed more than Eddie. He wasn't facing me, so I can't say for sure, but I don't think he even flinched. He didn't cry or fuss or anything--the nurse was sure surprised.

We're back in CIO hell. Trying to get Eddie to put himself to sleep. I've had a couple aborted attempts the last couple days. Every time I ask myself why I put myself through this when Dennis is away and then I tell myself that I should just get it over with. And we don't even really do CIO, but rather whine it out with mom standing over you. He's also still waking up too much at night. I just don't know what to do about this.

I know the strict CIO would say to do just that, let him cry himself back to sleep, but when he wakes with a full blown gusty cry, what's a mom who can't stand CIO to do? Last night it was at midnight and then I honestly don't remember the other times, except that we were both up at 5:30 this morning. Yipee.

At least I can now meet people for breakfast. I've talked to others and apparently just like adults, babies and kids sleep better some nights than others.

Dad's update:

Decided to try diced peaches on Eddie. He was all excited and then his expression changed to concentration, as he maneuvered the peach around in his mouth. I was holding my breath that he didn't choke and I was trying to figure out what to do with it. Just when I thought he'd mashed it, it came out. Undeterred, I tried another one. This one came shooting out of his mouth--literately like a little cannonball--pfooph. I laughed so hard and tried again. He ate a ton today for lunch, including a couple diced peaches.

Attached is a picture without the flash. It sure looks nicer--I just had to delete 80% of the pictures because of blurs. This was the only one that worked. I'm sure we'll have evening adventures to write about. Eddie is with Nina now, so I'm off to work.


Anonymous said...

FYI- when you turn off the flash the shutter stays open longer and it takes several seconds more for the picture to be captured. If you count to 10 or 20 after you press the shutter button to move the camera. This should help with the blury pictures.

elizabethanddennis said...

Thanks. Unfortunately, the blurriness is on the subject's end not mine. He won'd hold still, which I'm sure comes as no surprise.

The post of the picture that wouldn't load was done without the flash, but he was holding still. I liked the little light meter my totally manual camera has that allows me to open the aperature further (or whatever that's called) to let in more light.