Monday, November 07, 2005

G'ma and G'pa Wisc. Part deux

G'ma and g'pa Wisc. arrived safely back from their sojourn to Baltimore on Thursday afternoon (they had arrived on the 29th and left on Nov. 1 for a trip to Baltimore) . They then proceeded to log some quality babysitting time with Eddie that very afternoon/night while I worked. I was able to run errands AND get work done over the next couple days. Dennis and I had a date morning on Saturday of running errands, capped off by a date night to see Gwen Stefani and the Black Eyed Peas on Sat. night. We of course did gardening, as we always do when they visit.

Then last night, they took the night shift. Course Eddie slept better than he had been for us, and we were sure appreciative of the good night's sleep.

Between all the grandparents we've had lately, I've really gotten spoiled. Now when are they going to buy that condo together in the DC area?

I found I didn't get that many pictures of g'ma and g'pa with Eddie because when they were with him, I was running errands or otherwise engaged, but here are a couple.


Anonymous said...

Eddie, you're the greatest! Missed you when I got up this morning. Bet you missed us, too! Can't wait until next time. Can you? KS? Gpa Fife

elizabethanddennis said...

You did it g'pa fife! Congrats on ur first post.