Thursday, November 17, 2005

Avent Bottles and Murphy's Law

Avent bottles are supposed to be these great bottles--great for reducing gas, etc. However, there is one complaint I consistently hear from users -- they leak. Both around the babe's mouth and out the bottle itself. Now that we're using bottles a lot more, the limitations of these bottles is becoming clearer. However now we are at the point where we are starting to transition Eddie to a sippy cup, so doesn't make sense to get a new brand of bottle. Which brings me to the Murphy's Law part of the post.

Eddie had a GREAT night last night. He went to sleep at 7pm and scarcely made a peep till 2:55. I got him a bottle, feeling pretty good after almost 6 hours of sleep, and while he was calming drinking it, I felt something wet on my shirt. I wondered if it was the bottle and as I whipped the bottle away, touched Eddie's clothes to find him soaked. I debated about whether to change his clothes--if I do it would surely wake him up more and if I didn't he might get chilled. I contemplated putting a washcloth down his shirt as a barrier, but then worried he'd pull it out. Long of the short, he was asleep and I had to change his outfit because it was so soaked—killed me. He fell asleep pretty quickly after that, but I wasn’t taking any chances and hung around a little while to make sure.

In other news, now I have a cold. So far it's not a bad one, but it could be. It seems like Eddie is a couple days behind me. I thought he was supposed to bring home and give us all the illnesses, not the other way around. Just when he was starting to sleep well.

Picture in the sleeper was taken last night. Then of course, Eddie with his feet up on his stove. I sure hope his dad teaches him to be as good of a cook as he is--helps land the women.


meg said...

Of COURSE he's gonna be a great cook like his dad -- you keep him locked up in the kitchen 24/7! At least to judge by the pictures. Of course, that could rebound and make him the other kind of cook... you know the kind I mean.

elizabethanddennis said...

The camera is kept in the kitchen :) I definitely notice a lot of high chair and floor pictures. I was thinking he would learn by osmosis.

soliluna said...

you made it until friday! those toes are so cute!