Sunday, October 30, 2005

G'ma and g'pa Wisc. Part 1

G'ma and g'pa Wisc. arrived on Sat. night (Oct. 29). They left this morning (Tues) for Baltimore and will return Thurs. afternoon. They will then stay until the following Monday--the 7th. That is why this is 'Part 1'.

Those Wisc. folks sure are traveling this year. Cousin Nancy came through town on Sunday and stopped in to see the newly pox-free crowd. She brought her dog Raven, pictured with us. We are not dog people, but if we were to be, Raven is the kind of dog we'd like. Happy, well behaved, and friendly, without badgering. Here are a couple shots of Nancy with Ed and us. And of g'ma and g'pa Wisc. with Ed.

Dennis just loves the brightly colored playpen in the living room. There is one in our office too (I got an amazing deal on them). After that toy spree with g'ma Ohio--it wasn't that bad--we only needed one cart for the two of us, I agreed to finally put away a couple big toys Eddie no longer uses. Sigh.

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