I might be willing to post a picture soon--haven't exactly been feeling photogenic and a couple websites I've read say the pox can be transmitted to inantimate objects and the germs remain there for a 'long while'. I don't know how long that would be, but long enuf to need to clean. Still no sign of them in Eddie, but the nurse from the peds office is expecting them around the 11th. Odd how she just kind of picked that date based on my outbreak--like we have a countdown for something we don't want.
Went to the doctor today--worried about a reaction to the meds as my throat is sore and feels swollen, she thought I was fine, but gave me some good anti-itch meds bc I was up most/half? the night last night either itching or applying clamine loation (and reapplying). This, on top of oatmeal baths in lukewarm water--which sucks--I can't wait to have a hot shower/bath again! I've also been on a benedryl drug too--to no avail.
I have these things everywhere--my mouth, my ears (so far not my eyes, cross your fingers), my face was just red from all the pox, but that is starting to subside. Dennis and I worry how we'll keep Eddie from scratching, we don't want his adorable face to become a pox-scared field.
My fever seems to be decreasing, thankfully--was up in the 101 range. I can't remember the last time I was that sick, maybe all the way back to when I was a kid?
Well, off to bed, happily the extra strength perscription anti-itch meds make me drowsy--not a problem!! And I'll post a picture soon--altho' it used to be cool to look in the mirror and see them all, not it's just disgusting, so we'll have to see how they turn out--I of course have to document them...
1 comment:
Woo hoo, I have a cold, too. Maybe Eddie and I have a psycho, err, psychic link? Sorry to hear about the chicken pox -- that sounds truly awful. Good luck.
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