Thursday, September 22, 2005

MONTHLY--Eddie at 7 months

Eddie spent his 7th month birthday in Orlando, Florida. Aside from falling off the bed when mom wasn't looking (I am tramatized for life, Eddie is fine), he had a pretty good birthday. He had a dinner of carrots at the House of Blues with Huntsville Mike (see picture).

Speaking of food, over the last month, we have expanded Eddie's palette to include peas and zuchini. He is now eating 3 squares a day, in the hopes of sleeping longer at night. On the development front, he is creeping quite a bit and sticking his butt up in the air--possibly in preparation for crawling? He rolls equally well front to back and back to front and moves himself quite adeptly on his back--like an inchworm, arching his head and back at the same time.

His vocalization is really strong now--to the point that dinners out are increasingly difficult, except in already noisy places. He is putting himself to sleep for his naps and goes down easily most nights. Still not staying down, but we're working on it. Oh and those chubby thighs measure 11.5 inches in circumfrence. I figure they are about at their peak, for once he starts really moving, they'll thin down.

I'll post more pictures (including those from FLA) by the end of the week.

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