Thursday, September 08, 2005

6 month shots...worse for mom than baby

So we're at the pediatrican's today and they tell us that he doesn't have to get shots at his nine month appointment, which thrills me to no end. Then I get home and am reading the literature provided during this visit and it says that they check the iron level at 9 months. I don't know about you, but am guessing that will involve a needle. Ugh.

Here is how it works out: Nurse comes in with four, count em, FOUR needles for poor, unsuspecting, smiling Eddie. Mom goes down the hall to make the next appointment, comes back and nurse pokes the first needle while dad tries to distract Eddie (much like he does for mom when she gets needles). The second needle goes in and that's when he screams. Then the 3rd and 4th.

The first time this happened, he screamed all the way home. The second time--at the 2 month appointment, he just screamed till we got him to the car, the 4th month, he was calming down as we were leaving the office. This time, dad is trying a usually fool-proof technique of tossing Eddie in the air. He can't help but smile. Even the nurse is impressed. Eddie has basically stopped crying before we leave the exam room. Heck, I'm impressed, I just would have hugged him and cried myself.

This is why dad comes to all the appointments :)

So here's the info the grandparents want: he growing--a lot. Everyone usually comments on 2 things with Eddie, his eyes and his thighs. Well, even the Doctor was impressed with the size of Eddie's thighs--and this is a man who sees who knows how many kids/day. Anyhoo, the stats are:

Height: 27 inches, Doctor comments that this is on the tall side--at 75th %, says we won't likely be at that percentage many more times with our heights.

Weight: a whopping 19.6 pounds--which would be in the 80th % until I remind the doctor we are 2.5 weeks into his 6th month, so the doctor corrects it to 75%. "A well proportioned baby", he comments.

His head is 17 inches, a steady 50th%.

He is meeting all the milestones they want. Doctor asks if he is grabbing stuff, just as he starts grabbing. All around good visit (except for those pesky, but necessary shots).

The picture is of Eddie with the doctor who delivered him--Dr. Rothman. Dr. Sullivan is the peidatrican--and young enuf that he ought to be able to see Eddie and his siblings grow up.

1 comment:

soliluna said...

Wow- You've lived up to your rep...I can barely keep up w/you guys! I'm just going to sit here and "watch you go!"