Monday, August 15, 2005

Beach with Baby: 45 min. spent getting to the beach, 60 min. spent AT the beach

We ventured to the Outer Banks of North Carolina—Duck, to be specific with our neighbors and their child the 2nd week of August. To our horror, Eddie initially cried when we took him to the ocean and stood watching the waves. By the 3rd exposure, he was enjoying himself as he frolicked in the foamy 2 inches of ocean water we exposed him to.

He played in the sand a bit more than the ocean—and he got it pretty much everywhere he could, except miraculously into his mouth. The pool where we rented our house helped tucker him out each day. We had brought a float and he loved splashing in the water. [we had been teaching him to splash during bath time—whose idea was that anyway?] Half the time we introduced him to something new he had a look as if to say “I don’t know about this”, but was game anyway.
I'll update with an actual beach or pool photo from our waterproof/sandproof camera when the pictues come back...

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