Monday, September 03, 2007

Josie's 5 month update

You might have noticed I haven't been updating the blog as often...while I still don't feel 2 kids is more than twice the work of one, it definitely puts a crimp in your computer time when one is an infant. I'm going to mess with the date here and claim I posted on Sept. 3 just to be consistent.

We've reached the five-month-old milestone. There is no doctor's visit this month, so no shots. Since my last report, Josie has found her feet--literately. She loves to grab her feet. She also loves to grab at anything within her reach and reach for anything within her view. Easy catches include hair of the person holding her and whatever toys Eddie is playing with.

Eddie is really good about bringing her toys. He is however entering that perplexing stage of contradictions. I just don't get it. It's almost like he says the opposite of what he means or wants, or changes his mind as soon as he states his mind. Bizarre, but I just chalk it up to a phase...back to Josie.

She has started to make a lot more sounds and does raspberries and all those sorts of funny noise things. She definitely does not like riding in her car seat, so every outing I hold my breath as to wether it will push her over her limit and I'll just listen to her howl.

She likes trying to stand up in her various contraptions and prefers to be sitting up. She also prefers to be on her stomach and really scoots herself around. She flips over to her stomach almost as soon as you lay her down. Oddly she has developed a preference for sleeping on her left side at night.

She has started to notice our food, so I hope that means she's paying close enough attention that her first meal will actually be swallowed.

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