Saturday, August 19, 2006

Summer Sprinkler Fun

I can't believe, but this is the first time this summer Ed's been in the sprinkler. I knew he'd love it, but man, did he make for some great photos. There were several more I could have added, but after the heat I took from all the basketball photos...

He approached the sprinkler cautiously, just sticking a hand, then an arm in. He started throwing pieces of grass and then mini-maple tree weeds Den was picking for him. Gradually he got more and more of himself in. Here he is just starting to get into it.

I love this photo. One of my favorites.
We've had this second-hand trike for a little while, and he enjoys playing with the parts of the bike, but this was the first time he climbed on board of his own accord--and did so a couple times. He was ringing that bell there, which he had mastered previously.
You might be able to see the leaves from the plants he'd been holding. He kept getting way down on his haunches and gradually standing up, all the while with his face in the water, getting a taste.
Soon enough his buddy Lizzie came over. She is 7 months older.

They actually are banging heads right at this moment, was pretty funny, they both kind of separated afterwards, I guess to recover.

So I hope that makes up for the lack of pictures previously...without making it a movie.


Anonymous said...

At the risk of embarrassing a certain daddy, ---I remember a little guy 2 months older who loved our friends' hose they had connected to the lake. He'd stick it in his face. It was hard to get him to leave.

Anonymous said...

wow, this first picture is magic. --sabrina