Monday, February 16, 2015


We have been skunked and good this winter by the snow.  We've had little dustings here and there, but by and large, by a matter of a few miles, we have been missed completely by the snow.  Where we live for some reason I have yet to understand, even after nearly 20 years here, our region is always on the edge of a storm.  Movement a little bit can drastically change what we get, so we've gotten excited about a couple storms this year, only to be disappointed.  But now, we are supposed to get between 4 and 8 inches!!!  The biggest storm we've had in a couple years.

I hate the cold.  There is absolutely NOTHING I like about the cold. But snow, I LOVE snow.  For the first 36 hours after it falls.  Then I'd like it to just disappear and come back anew with the next storm. If I have to deal with the cold (anything less than 50 really), then I want a couple bursts of snow.  Clearly I didn't think this through when I decided to move here, but if I could do it again, I might choose to live somewhere warmer.

There were $124 fares on USAir advertised last fall that were good in Jan.-Mar.  I looked closely at those fares, but as we were slated to go to Europe, felt I couldn't book a trip in the winter and I'd survived the last couple winters without the Florida warm up.  Until this year.  Oh man.

So, I'm beyond excited that we are supposed to get a decent storm out of this.

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

They Have an App For That

I recently began thinking about the blog again.  It used to be super difficult to post photos and while user friendly, didn't have a lot of customization available, but it worked.  Come to find out, Blogger now has an app.  Of course they do!

I trace the decrease in my posts to my joining facebook.  I like that I have a little bit more in the way of privacy settings.  I guess I could make this blog private...

Then I remembered printing out 2 years worth of the blog and trotted that out.  The kids and I spent an hour this afternoon laughing over the stories I shared about them when they were babies.  It's fun to be at the point where they can read through the book and also makes me happy I've been careful about what I write.

I'm probably not going to post their current pictures on here and will re-focus this to be more about me than them.  More later...