Friday, August 31, 2012

While Time Passes By

I used to write on here religiously--mostly when Dennis was away to update him on the kids.  I've since printed most of those into books, which I love.  In the time since I have started this blog about 7 years ago, so many blogs related to parenting have popped up that it is impossible to track or know them all.

I used to fancy myself a decent writer---back when I was in college writing all the time.  Someday I'd like to get back into it, revive the ability to convey my thoughts with language that is fun to read.  I suppose I should read some more to get closer to that goal, but gosh, being a mother, a wife, and having a part-time job sure makes that difficult.

Eddie and Josie--where to begin---fortunately I've been sort of tracking their progress on family calendars, but wowee, J starts Kinder this year (I can't spell kindergarden, so you'll never see me call it that) and Eddie starts 2nd grade.  I'm trying to embrace these years and enjoy them---I'm doing a better job of it day by day.

They are a really fun age right now and I figure we have about 6-8 years more of really good travel opportunities before we'll have to be more limited, so I've of course made a long list of my travel goals.  And...then I realized it was after 1am.  Goodnight!