Monday, November 29, 2010

Hello Again!

It's been so long, I'm not sure if I should try and capture what we've been up to or just jump right into the photos. These are clearly a month old, but we finally discovered our local pumpkin patch--and it is FUN--in that corny sort of old tyme fun sort of way. Plus they have awesome kettle corn everywhere you turn.
We had such a good time that I had Den take the kids out the Saturday after Halloween to their pumpkin 'drop/smash'. They dropped the state fair winning pumpkin, over 600 pounds, from a crane.

Den is currently in the same City, staying at the same hotel that he visited the week before Thanksgiving --and I am still hobbling around.

Eddie is enjoying kindergarden and we had a good conference with his teacher--Den was out of town, but we called so he could feel like he was there. I can only hope that Josie gets this same teacher when she comes through. She is so calm and kind. J is not a fan of her teachers at preschool and I think the feeling is mutual. J seems to have just dug in and realized that she will enjoy the aspects of preschool if not the teachers. We will get through the year.

I have really noticed the kids temperments and personalities this year, more than ever before. It is fascinating to watch and see where before I always thought Eddie was so shy, he is definitely a social animal and where I always thought J was my social kid, she seems a bit more impacted when someone doesn't return her advances.

I'll try and post more. For some reason picassa hasn't 'found' the photos I uploaded from November....
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