Monday, September 27, 2010


The main reason I'm not posting to blogger is because I can only upload 4 pictures at a time and that drives me crazy. I'm too lazy to learn new software (typepad, etc.), so here we are. I guess I only upload to facebook directly from my phone...

Anyhoo, Cookie had been telling us to harvest the potatos for some time, and Den said it wouldn't be time until later in SEpt. Well, later in SEpt. was too late and they had started to rot and sprout. Great if you want to have a later fall crop, but not if you wanted to eat right away :(

We did manage to get a bag or so--maybe between 7 and 10 pounds of potatos and the kids had a blast, each taking turns with the shovel and sifting through the dirt.

We had white and red. The white did much better than the red in terms of still being good.

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Wednesday, September 08, 2010

First Days...

I let out a sigh just before I started typing. Conflicting emtions to be sure. With 2 days under his belt, Eddie continues to have a great time in kinder (I can't spell kindergarden). We were so rushed to get out the door on the first day because the bus was so early and it took us 15 minutes to roust Eddie from bed. Not because he didn't want to go, but because he wanted to stay in bed. Then he just slow rolled and chit-chatted his way through the morning. All of a sudden I realize I hear the bus, which unlike k-prep the stop is 10 houses away.

J and I dashed out the door while Den had Eddie slurp down his OJ. We hadn't gotten his teeth brused as Den and Eddie dashed out the door behind us, watching the bus pull up to the stop. Den had moments before commented on how he was not going to enjoy the stress of making the bus each morning. I directed Den to pick up Eddie and run for the bus. Halfway down the street it started to pull away and we yelled for it to stop. Happily some parents down there got him to stop and our sweet neighbor captured some photos of Eddie boarding the bus. These are all after school.

To avoid bus mishaps, they put a big green K sticker on the kinders. They sit in the very front of the bus and the driver is instructed to ensure each one is met by an adult. Despite this the system has still had some mishaps with kinders (and other students) being let off at the wrong place, etc.

Eddie knows his bus number and everything. However, we will be morning walkers (uphill both ways) as it is just about (just under) a mile and we are hopefully going to walk with several other families who seem to enjoy the morning stroll.

I asked Eddie who he sat next to in school and he couldn't tell me. When a neighbor kid asked the name of his teacher he didn't know. However, he was able to tell me he got to (was instructed to)play on the computer. That they lay on towels we send in on top of a soft rug for nap and that it's a fun place. Nuggests emerge here and there.

Josie had her first day of preschool today. She has the same teachers Eddie does and they all inquired about him (ones from both years). It's such a warm and friendly place. Apparently a couple preschoolers were crying at drop off but Josie did great. Can't believe she picked this green outfit to wear, but she was happy.

I asked her who she sat next to and she replied 'Jack' and who sits across? 'Jake'. She was pretty forthcoming about the events of the day in the way a 3 year old can be. Out of 11 kids in her class, 3 are named Jack, one Jake, one Joseph, then Josie, someone named Quinn, Rory and then a couple regular names.

Both were exhausted this evening and went to bed at 7:30. Time for me to shuffle off as well...

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Thursday, September 02, 2010

The Basement Stairs

I've been wanting to remove the carpet on the basement stairs for some time. Cookie, Den and Josie have all cut their heels on the carpet tacks sticking out from the worn out carpet (we guesstimate it's 30+ years old). Den hasn't been interested in doing anything because we hadn't decided exactly what to do after we removed the carpet.

I didn't let that deter me, and one Sunday a couple weeks ago I just got it in my head and got Den to agree to help score the carpet and with a couple brute force areas. It's so much better now, but I think we'll put carpet down this fall...

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