Thursday, January 29, 2009

Couple more random photos

Josie is all but demanding to drink out of cups w/o lids. Eddie on the other hand only wants 'straw' cups with lids.

Roped Den into making pancakes using the 'shapes' we have just for that purpose--ducks, sheep, stars, etc. The kids love them, course Josie always asks for them to be cut up, which kind of defeats the whole purpose, but at least she enjoys the shape briefly.

This is the day of the big snow storm--both inches that fell.
We were all playing around tonight and Eddie was trying to get Josie to hold still so I could take a picture of all 3 of them.Posted by Picasa

Random Photos

Josie is getting into the picture taking habit...these are her first time using the camera. Eddie was giving her instructions on how to use the camera, including telling her to put the strap on her wrist.

I just love this photo of them with the sunglasses.

This would be Eddie and Josie self-selecting their PJs, down to the socks (at least for Ed).

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow Day

I think I've mentioned before that where we live all it takes is the forecast of snow to get everyone excited. This morning we got about 2 inches of snow and because the roads were untreated it was a mess. Den made it in via METRO and I just worked at home.
Cookie and kids meanwhile spent much of the day outside. I think this first picture of Eddie putting Josie's hat back on is so adorable. He really can be quite the helper with her.
So these are all out of order, but here they are after a long morning at the local sledding slop getting a ride home.

Eddie has been asking about eating snow for some time--and he finally got to try. Apparently Josie didn't want to end the taste test...(her photo of same is at the end).
Here they are just after Cookie spent 20 minutes getting ready to go. Fortunately Josie was in diapers and Ed is a camel, so there were no last minute bathroom trips.
Den said the front yard is completely bare from all the running around in the snow.
The one after is Eddie pulling J to the local sledding spot.
All I can say is thank goodness Cookie loves the cold. Otherwise it would have been a 10 min. jaunt outside if it were up to me.
The kids are getting really good at putting toys away when told. They have also mostly been sleeping until nearly 7, which is really nice. Now since Den goes away next week, I am sure they will begin to wake at 5am, just for me.

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Imitating Daddy!

Cookie caught Josie looking really cute and thought she looked like Den with her arms behind her head.
Eddie loves sitting in this chair to take his meds. He's so good about it too. I'm off to have a night off whilst Cookie stays late... Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Eddie asked to be picked up and then J asked too. Not wanting to disapoint...they said carrying your kids directly in front of you is best for your back anyway.

Thanks to Cookie for the photo. I think this is the only time while I was holding them that Eddie wasn't smiling and laughing.

Cookie ended up not going downtown yesterday. Said she had been sick all weekend. Ugh.

This week with Den gone has actually gone faster than I expected and I'm not sure why. Course I still have 2 full days. Friday morning we start our 'family' gymnastics class. We'll see how that goes...
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bush Is Gone! And I didn't get to see him off...

2001---the year Den and I were married. I remember being in a Maui bed and breakfast watching the Inaugural parade on TV, being so happy I was not there (I think it was even raining). It's been so long since we have had a leader (sorry if you're from the other side of the aisle and are offended), but I am so happy to finally feel like we've got someone to lead us.

As I mentioned, I was stuck at home today. Eddie excitedly commented that he was wearing dog pj's and J wearing cat pj's and that we *had* to take a photo. Then I couldn't get them to pose together--this is the closest I could get.

Eddie then wanted to take a picture of Josie and me.

The last picture was taken just after Barack Obama was sworn in. I had the kids eating so I could mostly pay attention. I hosted Eddie's preschool class for a playdate to help pass the morning. There were 9 kids and 5 adults and folks stuck around until around noon, so I didn't get to go to Market Square with the kids, but it was probably too cold anyway.

Really really hope Cookie went to DC, or I will be monumentally unhappy.

I can't win with trying to wake up before the kids. Monday I set my alarm for 5:15, hoping I'd have some time. J woke up about 5:20. Tuesday I set my alarm for 5:45, hoping again for some time. We were all downstairs by 6. maybe I should set my alarm for 8am?

One thing I've learned from these last three days as I've grown more and more tired is that the kids and I do great when I feel well rested. When I haven't gotten enough sleep, I sure do make trouble around the house. Hoping for more sleep tonight. Is 8:30 too early for bed?
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Monday, January 19, 2009

More Photos of my Dumber Decisions

First photo is the Native American Museum (fabulous food in the cafeteria, btw). This was our first sight of the mall and as the sunlight hit, it was quite beautiful. Just outside the picture inside a building to the left were a TON of military folk getting some kind of briefing. I'd say it was at least 100. It was a glass enclosed atrium, so I could see the whole thing--must not have been classified :)

I kept taking photos of the capitol, thinking as I got closer it would be too crowded to get any good ones, yet, I kept getting virtually unobscured photos. I've had more people in my photos at Disney.

I had to work Eddie pretty hard to get out of the stroller for the first photo and then for this, I just posed them and they miraculously posed and seemed to look happy...for now.

Miles and miles of barricades. I don't know where they imported them from, but I think they got every barricade in the US. There were 4 different kinds. The lower silver metal ones you see commonly at events. Then the brown-ish dark ones on the right that are more substantial. That had actually gates that open and closed clearly as security entrances. Then of course the chain link fence with a cement block holding it in place. I sure hope they don't plan on those holding people back. Finally, the cement highway barricades. Wonder how they will handle the staging for the parade. Will have to do some bribing of Eddie while J is asleep to be able to watch the parade. Not sure how I'll be able to watch the inauguration.
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Possibly one of My Dumber Decisions...

So I gave Cookie the day (Inauguration Day) off many months ago (right after the election). This was before the true cold had set in. When I foolishly thought that it would be okay to take the kids down to witness history. This was also back before Den found out about the trip that would take him out of the country for the entire week.

So I was DYING to go down and check everything out. We had talked about going on Saturday before Den left town, but at 12 degrees, it was just too cold. Today it finally warmed up to almost 40 and so I woke Josie from her nap by walking in her room (and she popped up) and we took off around 3:30 for DC.

Not sure how well you can see it (this is a jumbotron that was located in the far right of the picture, the red circle), but I highlighted our route in yellow. We got off at Federal Center south, walked up by the Botanic Garden and through the 'Blue Gate'--start on the left side of the screen. First I went where the top yellow arrow was and then backtracked and decided to try going where I saw the throngs of people on the other side of the fence. The first photo of us was taken at the end of the little 'hanging' arrow nearest to the Capitol --located at the bottom of the photo (a nice guy clearly not used to kids kept trying to get one with them both looking and so I have several photos). Then I backtracked again and continued on my path. Stopped to take the jumbotron photo--red spot on the right) and continued down to get over to the mall. The next red spot is where Eddie decided to break down. It was about 5pm, we'd been outside in 40 degree weather for about 40 minutes and he just started to sob.
He was cold, hungry and had to go to the bathroom. This was where my plan was not so good. All the museums were closing. The porta john was not the worst I'd seen, but I was still grossed, but thankful it was handicapped and I could bring the stroller in with us and not have Eddie exposed in the cold. The furthest out red triangle is where CNN and MSNBC are stationed. Right on 7th on the mall. We walked past them when there was a pretty tiny crowd. Killed me as I wanted to check them out, but by this point Josie was wailing (I think because Eddie was) and my mom instinct kicked in as I practically mowed people down to head up 7th to the metro. People let me get in front with Eddie screaming, so we didn't have much of a problem getting in the metro system and an empty train came right away. I do live here after all and have favorite stations for a reason.
In spite of all this, I was so glad we went. Eddie felt better on the train where he started to warm up and I broke the METRO rules allowing he and J to munch on the snacks I'd brought. Eddie promised that the next time I told him it was cold and he needed to wear a hat and gloves and not just his hood and a single shirt, that he would listen to me. We'll see how long that memory persists. For the record, I did bring hats and gloves for both kids. Josie usually wore her gloves and hood and Eddie finally agreed to his gloves and hat.
I debated about the best place to focus (the mall is deceptively large and long and with Josie in the Ergo on my back and Eddie in the travel stroller, I wasn't going to be covering a lot of ground). Bad mama changed Josie out of the fleece lined pants that kept falling off her bottom, but were so long they would have done a good job covering her legs and put her in pants that left about 3 inches of skin exposed such that I kept tugging at her pants as I carried her along, trying to cover the distance. I should have put her in tights as I originally planned.

Traffic was a mess and just got worse as the afternoon wore on. People were all over, but it didn't feel very crowded. I expected to see more tour buses, but not the 18-wheelers full of barricades and the crane lowering highway barricades into place. All of the streets immediately in front of the capitol were closed and they were instead filled with people. Folks really were from all over, funny you could kind of guess where from based on their dress. Some people were ready for sub-zero temps and a few were dressed for a normal DC cold Jan. day. Everyone was just on a high, in a super good mood and excited to be there.
I think we'll probably head to Alexandria's market square tomorrow unless by some miracle Cookie decides to come over. I will be so livid if she doesn't go downtown--I was giving her the day off so she could see it all in person. If she doesn't go downtown, I'd go. I'd go by myself, I don't care, I just want to BE there. I know lots of people who have no plans to go and friends who are leaving kids with friends, family and regular caregivers. If I could, I'd run myself right downtown in a heartbeat. Oh well, guess I'll have to wait another 4 years...
One final thought, I asked a couple older women to pull up Josie's hood, as she kept pushing it off. In our conversation, I commented on how I'd woken her from a nap to come downtown and they remembered waking their kids to see Neil Armstrong walk on the moon. Interesting frame of reference. Then they asked how to get to the Archives/Navy Memorial Metro station--my favorite station.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 1 of 6

Dinner time tonight. They pulled out tunafish and announced that was what they wanted--on crackers. Add in some peas for J and corn for Ed -- required eating before they could have the fries they also requested. Eddie wanted J to sit super close to him, she practically had her feet in his hair. Sitting in the highchair as I grew tired of putting her back in her chair at the little green table.
Guess I haven't noted in the previous two posts--Den left town this morning--on a Sunday -- for work. Did I mention he worked most of last Sunday too? Did I also mention that he did overtime at home so I could be sure to be well rested in his absence. Letting me sleep in lots of the last several mornings and giving me the night off whilst he put the kids to bed--course it didn't hurt that I had 2 night meetings for work.

I love the kids and I love being with them, but my patience is about as long as the proverbial head of a pin and when I am not well rested, it's even shorter.

Den will be gone until Friday night--when as long as his airplane arrives before midnight, we will be there to pick him up. Both kids have gotten markedly easier and we're not as wet behind the ears, but going from knowing absolutely nothing about kids (aside from babysitting gigs in high school) to a responsible parent, has been a bit of a ride. So many people around us have education degrees (as in teaching) and I half wonder if that wouldn't have served me as a parent--to at least learn how a kid ticks.

But I digress. Poor Den started off his trip at home with a call from his fav airline saying his flight had been delayed and he wouldn't likely make his connection in Paris, meaning he'd miss connecting with his colleague. Whoops. A quick rebook to a better flight that will allow him to hook up stateside with said colleague and we're off to the airport for thankfully a flight departing at the same time--he also has a close connection in Paris, so hope they make it.

The kids were having a great time tonight. Eddie kept talking about how 'daddy' did things at bedtime and I used the 'I"m not daddy' line which seemed to work.
Someday Den will learn that when we talk while he is away, it is NOT okay to tell me about the resturant or the meal he had--not unless it has resulted in a hospital stay that requires my coming to where he is at that time. I really don't mind that he travels so much --I knew it was part of the deal--and when we do travel, it does allow us to do it in relative comfort. I do actually seem to get quite a bit done around the house when he is gone, and once he is actually on the trip, I'm usually much better, but the one thing I can't stand and I mean I can't stand, is when I hear about the four star dinners or really any dinner he has out where he doesn't have to cut up someone else's food or refrain from ordering something with dairy. Really? Did I mention the pb and j I had tonight? Or the thrice-reheated meal?
I did used to travel for my pre-kid full time job--about every3 weeks, so I know how 'glamourous' travel can be. But for someone who likes to travel as I do, being grounded can be a bit of a drag. At least we do have a trip to FLA planned to warm up!
I've arranged playdates for the next 2 days so I should do okay until Cookie shows up after all the Federal Holidays and hoopla. Supposed to snow tmr. Barely an inch. Wish it were more--if it's going to be this cold, I really do want snow!
Welcome to wherever you are, Den!

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Believe it or not, people used to ask me if Josie and Eddie were twins--mostly when I'd push them around in the double stroller. Lately Eddie has taken a shine to dressing like other people. Mostly his sister, but ocassionally G'pa Ohio and Daddy.
Maybe I've learned why the kids have been sporadically sleeping later--Den had them up at 7:40 taking these photos! Apparently Eddie picked out his clothes based on what J was wearing that day. Although today he said he wanted to be the only one wearing red so he could be the 'caboose' when we went up the stairs. That's the next post.
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More Please!

It's 7:35 and I have both kids in bed. I really hope this doesn't bite me in the morning with early rising, but they were tired (at least Ed was). I'm going to try and beat the clock by waking at 6 and hope I can get a shower in before either wakes up. They are so all over the map. Sometimes J will wake at 5 am and then yesterday (or was it today?), not until nearly 8am. Eddie is usually by 6:30 and when we are lucky, it's 7ish. Wish I could discerne a pattern/things to do/not do the evening before. On the nights they are up late, they still wake at the same time, only cranky and tired from not enough sleep.

So Den and I celebrated 8 years of wedded bliss on Tuesday -- and I worked that night. So Thurs. we went out to a local resturant. Nice, low key and relaxing.

This first picture is the gift that keeps giving. I had no idea how much Eddie would take to this little planner (Josie too). EVERY morning, he asks to fill it out, which entails picking the day of the week, talking about the season, the month, getting the correct date, the weather, the day's activities and how you are feeling that day. Couple changes I'd make would include a couple options to add your own activities and more 'moods'. Eddie always wants everyone to pick a mood and when you run out of the 'happy' moods, you have four red colored not as happy moods.

For the longest time, he kept picking a red colored 'scared' and when probed, he said he was afraid of a car crashing into the house! Huh? Where oh where did he pick this up? He is starting to have things come out of his mouth that we wonder their origin.

This container in the next photo was a stocking stuffer--and we need more! It's ketchup and mayo combined (one of my personal favorites) and the kids can't get enough--I have yet to try it and yet it's half gone. That is a 4 inch plate, not a 9 inch plate of fries, for the record in the last photo showing what the paste looks like.
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