Wednesday, May 28, 2008

This Seems So Long Ago...

And yet it was only about a month ago. April 25th these photos were taken and now the addition is under roof. I'm guessing we're about 1-2 weeks behind--there has been a lot of rain the builder has put extra guys on our project in an effort to catch us up. We REALLY like them so far.

Just got back last night from a long weekend at g'parents Wisc. Traveling with kids sure is tiring...but g'parents Wisc. let us sleep in EVERY DAY. That's right at 5 or 6am, they bounded downstairs to spend the first 3 or 4 hours of the day with their grandkids. I think everyone had a great time, but I wouldn't know because I was sound asleep! HEAVEN! One morning I even slept into 10:30am. I literately cannot remember the last time I was able to sleep that late in the last 4 years. Cannot remember. I won't even discuss Den's sleep--lets just say Eddie gets his sleep patterns from his father and g'ma Wisc.

So this is the day the framed the basement area--did the whole thing in one day. In this top photo I am wondering why I didn't listen to my gut and insist during the design process that windows be placed on 2 walls that I keep looking at. In the end, we had them put in windows--better now than later (best would have been during the design phase).

We've stayed about one step ahead of the builders thus far. Both in ordering things and in being out of their way. I really had hoped to be further ahead, but it's harder than I thought to pick stuff when you have Mr. Practical and Ms. Doesn't That Look So Cool trying to select things.
Here Den is hanging plastic between the living room and dining room (we put a bookcase on our side of the plastic to keep it in place). Ed was pretty interested in the whole thing as we had prepped him for several days that we'd have to be out of the dining room and unable to go through the doorway from the living room.

Can't believe what a new walker J was in this picture, she's got it down pretty well now--still falls, but is pretty steady.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

22 years

That's how long I've know Kristin--22 years. So when she emailed me yesterday to say that they had some unexpected extra time after a family reunion in the area (they live a couple hours from here), I was excited to see her and her family.
We hadn't seen each other in about 2 years--since Eddie was about 3-4 months old. We have managed to see each other just about every place we've lived--and let me just say, she's covered a lot of ground. I've known her (and Peg longer than anyone except family (I've lost touch with all my Florida-growing up years friends).
Eddie has recently woken from a nap, Gus (the strapping young man next to Josie) is ready to take a nap--although he looks quite good for how tired his parents thought he was, and I don't know Josie's excuse. Somehow everyone has their eyes open and no pacifier in their mouths.
More later, but wanted to get this up...bit out of my chron. order, but oh well.
And when I think back to all the food we cooked over campfires...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Working Backwards--April 23 and 25

I operate chronologically, can't do anything different, so the next posts (whenever I get around to making them), will start old and work to new.

Everyone comments on how smiley Josie is. Thing is, she can be fickle and coy if she wants.

I was so proud of Eddie writing his name, I could burst. And we have Cookie to thank. She taught him. She really is a good teacher. Truth is, I'm not sure I'd know how to teach him to write his name--she's been teaching me how to teach him to write the alphabet.

Eddie and I were hanging out one morning while Josie was napping and we were writing letters and the next thing I know, he's writing his name. 3 weeks seems so long ago. Also, around this time we started potty training. I'll save that for another post, but suffice to say, it feels like months have passed when it's only been weeks.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Here's where our bathroom sits...

The forman commented that this job involves a lot of demo. Boy is he right! They working on the final major stretch of demo today and tmr and then will hopefully be all done with that aspect. They expect it to be completely framed by mid-week next week. We're about a week behind because we have had about a week's worth of rain and then some. In a 3 day period of the worst of it, we got 6 inches.

I have about 100 pictures to post between this one and the last one. Will work on that over the next little while now that our lives have calmed down just a little.

We're reimnesing to when we lived in our lovely townhouse, as that's about the amount of space we're occupying now. Eddie is doing much better with the noise than we ever would have guessed. Josie is doing well too. More updates soon!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Still Here...

I've got plenty of pictures to post and even more stories to tell. We are still here, even as the back wall of our house is being removed. I would say we'd want to go away on the weekends, but the kids are forced to leave so much during the week that they want to stick around on the weekend, which is understandable.

Let me just say the week started out with our contactor telling us he's run into a 'slight' problem -- a 17 inch mis-calculation. Fixable, but still...