And yet it was only about a month ago. April 25th these photos were taken and now the addition is under roof. I'm guessing we're about 1-2 weeks behind--there has been a lot of rain the builder has put extra guys on our project in an effort to catch us up. We REALLY like them so far.
Just got back last night from a long weekend at g'parents Wisc. Traveling with kids sure is tiring...but g'parents Wisc. let us sleep in EVERY DAY. That's right at 5 or 6am, they bounded downstairs to spend the first 3 or 4 hours of the day with their grandkids. I think everyone had a great time, but I wouldn't know because I was sound asleep! HEAVEN! One morning I even slept into 10:30am. I literately cannot remember the last time I was able to sleep that late in the last 4 years. Cannot remember. I won't even discuss Den's sleep--lets just say Eddie gets his sleep patterns from his father and g'ma Wisc.
So this is the day the framed the basement area--did the whole thing in one day. In this top photo I am wondering why I didn't listen to my gut and insist during the design process that windows be placed on 2 walls that I keep looking at. In the end, we had them put in windows--better now than later (best would have been during the design phase).
We've stayed about one step ahead of the builders
Here Den is hanging plastic between the living room and dining room (we put a bookcase on our side of the plastic to keep it in place). Ed was pretty interested in the whole thing as we had prepped him for several days that we'd have to be out of the dining room and unable to go through the doorway from the living room.
Can't believe what a new walker J was in this picture, she's got it down pretty well now--still falls, but is pretty steady.